Our Favourite Aspects of Digital Design in Figma: It Might Not Be Your First Guess

When you think of digital design in Figma, the first thing that might come to mind is cloud-collaboration and flexible design that caters to developers and coders. And yes, real-time online designing truly is a game-changer. With Figma, you can see live changes from your team and easily jump between working files without the hassle of visiting a PDF of exported work.

Collaborating Seamlessly in Figma

The collaborative nature of Figma is unparalleled. Many design tools still feel almost “analogue” when you compare them to the real-time collaboration features of Figma. You might have experienced the joy of collaborating on a Google Doc or Google Slide – well, Figma brings that same ease and flexibility to the world of graphic design.

In fact, collaborating in Figma is more than just sharing a file – it’s about working in harmony with your team, no more worrying about accidentally corrupting a file by jumping into it at the same time as someone else. As graphic designers, we know the importance of keeping everything aligned, and Figma makes that a seamless experience.

“Software should be online, real-time, and collaborative.”

(Dylan Field, FIGMA co-founder 2015)

What Makes Figma Perfect for the Digital Landscape?

So, what does it mean for Figma to be built for the digital landscape? Figma operates with the structures of traditional coding languages, primarily CSS, which defines how elements appear in code. This enables designers to mirror the look and feel of a final design, ensuring a smoother handoff between design and development. For example, consider ‘Padding’ – a term borrowed from coding that helps define the space around elements in design (see image below).

Designer using FIGMA to see the padding around an object.
Designer using FIGMA to see the padding around an object.

Just like in development, where developers use padding in code to define the layout, Figma offers designers the same functionality at the design stage. This results in designs that are more closely aligned with the final product, helping developers code with precision and clarity.

Similarly, Figma allows designers to define colours using HEX codes – a six-digit code that represents the intensity of red, green, and blue, making colour matching between design and code seamless (e.g., #000000 for black, #FFFFFF for white).

Digital designer using FIGMA to edit Hex codes.
Designer using FIGMA to change the HEX code value of colours.


Designing Functional Prototypes in Figma

Figma isn’t just about static designs – it’s about functionality. The platform allows designers to create prototypes that show the flow and function of a webpage. For instance, you can showcase how hover states or drop-down menus will behave, giving both developers and clients a clear picture of the final user experience (see prototype example).

How We Use Figma at DesignStreet

At DesignStreet, we rely on Figma for digital design to create engaging webpages and eDMs (emails). Every design we create is shaped with the user experience in mind, ensuring that our designs are not only visually appealing but also functional across different platforms (such as Outlook, Gmail, and more). Consistency is key in digital design, and we work hard to ensure that our designs maintain uniformity across multiple pieces, even when tailored to different goals and audiences.

Figma plays a crucial role in maintaining this consistency while providing flexibility. Through templated modules, icons, typefaces, and colours, we create a cohesive brand experience while still leaving room for unique, tailored designs. The ‘Auto-Layout’ feature (see video example) allows us to easily adjust design elements without compromising pixel-perfect placement. This gives us more time to focus on creativity and how we can best engage our target audience.

Digital design on FIGMA

Why We Love Figma for Digital Design

Yes, the collaborative elements of Figma are fantastic – but what truly excites our team is the way Figma accelerates the design process, enabling us to produce stronger designs in less time. It’s this combination of efficiency and flexibility that makes Figma an essential tool for our agency.


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