How we’re messaging through a crisis

If you’re in the business of B2B marketing, how do you frame messaging that reflects the diversity of outcomes being experienced by companies, and that wouldn’t be seen as inappropriate or insensitive by those struggling to survive?

At first we saw hesitation as companies large and small turned inwards, grappling with what was happening and searching for a way forward. Survival was paramount, and the actions taken to ensure their continued viability reflected this.

As we’ve travelled through a year like no other, we’ve developed a greater awareness of customers and their importance. Firstly, how customers have been affected differently by the shutdowns – and empathy for what they are experiencing. And secondly, the fundamental importance of customers in ensuring ongoing business.

There‘s never been a greater need to think before you speak. Or in the case of direct marketing, to pause before you write. The search for the right words that fit the circumstances is of vital importance, as otherwise the risk of sounding inappropriate or insensitive is apparent to all.

Customers need to know from the tone of voice of your messages that you understand what they might be going through, and that you’ll be there for them in ways that will help them survive hard times.

As we start to emerge from lockdowns, restrictions lifting, and as travel starts to take off with borders re-opening, the messaging is shifting from pure survival, to the potential that exists for businesses who have weathered the initial blast, and who can grow and flourish again. Think “thrive” rather than simply “survive”.

We know our customers are well aware of the current times, so we want to avoid stating the obvious and re-igniting the negativity with our messaging. Consumers know these times have been ‘unprecedented’ and ‘challenging’. So, as marketers how do we re-establish the importance of our voice and its impact on customers, to help redefine the relationship between us and point towards a more positive outlook?

Where appropriate we’ve used phrases like “providing new solutions”, “getting back to growth”, “building back”, “journey forward” and “planning to thrive” as we pivot towards a COVID-normal future. All of which are essentially positive and help us point customers away from what has been and anticipate what lies ahead.

Managing the journey forward is the new focus. There is a need for enthusiasm, confidence and aspiration to be built into customer messaging as we face a future where we will be growing out of the lows of the pandemic and building back with strong and enduring growth as the world re-opens for us all.