For most working Australians, we are moving through uncharted times. The last recession the country experienced was in 1991, which is almost 30 years ago. That means for anyone in their early 50’s or younger, the economic shock of this downturn and what lies ahead is an unwelcome new experience in their working careers.
Since I was a kid, I’ve always had an obsession with marketing, and it’s been a big part of my career to date. I find it exciting, ever-changing, challenging and most importantly, rewarding. Working from home has got me thinking and more than ever, I’m wanting to know what comes next?
On average we spend around 40 hours a week at work. In fact, we probably end up spending more time with our colleagues than we do our family, friends or even ourselves! With so much of our time confined to our places of work, studies are showing we are placing more importance on the emotional intelligence of our employees and companies.
As an Account Manager, I like to think of myself as the middle man between client and agency. Or another analogy, if you’re a big Harry Potter fan like me, is an Owl…