How to beat the year-end slump and get your mojo back!

Motivation is a fickle thing. Particularly when you’re on the tail end of 365 days, projects are winding down (or occasionally stacking up, in a bid to squeeze them in before the new year), your waistline can’t take another Christmas lunch, and the state of your inbox is a symbolic representation of your insides *insert upside-down smiley emoji*.

At this time of year, it can feel near impossible to look within and find those last bits of motivation, but, when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning it’s time to resist the urge to hit snooze for the 3rd time and get re-inspired.

So, as tis’ the season of giving, we thought what better time to give the gift of advice and share our top tips to find your mojo again and end the year with a bang!

Take a hiatus from your feed

This can feel like a hard pill to swallow when social platforms are so ingrained in how we connect and share experiences with others. But, hands up whose screen time is embarrassingly high? Or if you’ve ever caught yourself in a mindless scroll? Or even felt the pang of comparison to your ‘much cooler than you’ connections? You’re not alone.

Although social media can be a great way to network, chat with your family on the other side of the world, or spread change, it’s our relationship with it that can be detrimental. Turning to social media when you’re bored, waiting for the bus, out at lunch, or fuelling a trip down comparison lane, can have major effects on your mental health, focus and overall motivation.

Now, we’re not telling you to ditch it completely, but it might be worthwhile logging out for a week and tuning into the present. You’ll be surprised how much more time you have, to get sh*t done and simultaneously feel more grounded! #canconfirm

Reset your goals

In a bid not to sound like a broken record, goals really are motivation’s weakness – motivation just loves a good goal! We understand you’ve probably got some pending from 2008 (ditto) BUT it’s the type of goals you are setting for yourself that will have impact. Forget losing 10kgs by New Years or becoming the next Kimmy K, and think more learning a new sport, reading a book a month, or my personal favourite, cleaning out your closet for a market stall!

Being realistic with your goals gives you a greater chance of achieving them. When we achieve something that we commit to we feel good, and when we feel good, we feel 1000x more motivated; smart huh? Achieving things for yourself can also make the daily grind less dull and more stimulating when you’re riding that serotonin high. So, go on, get out the trusty notepad and pen again, and reset your goals!

Nurture the creativity within

Doing the same tasks day in and day out can get mundane. To avoid feeling like you’re stuck in Bill Murray’s iconic Groundhog Day, we suggest channelling your inner artist and get creative. Write, craft, paint or plant and watch the motivation get drawn out like a moth to a flame.

Continue riding the creativity wave at work by creating a space that inspires you and your team’s best work. Keep the brainstorms frequent, keep the office tidy, add personal touches to your desks, add green where you can, and keep the tunes playing. Surrounding your daily environment with small pieces of inspiration can do wonders for a wavering sense of motivation.

So, without further ado, it’s over to you. It’s time to get back on the horse, take the bull by the horns, dust yourself off and try again, and remind yourself the world really is your oyster (I’ll stop now). But, if you feel these little nuggets of advice still aren’t cutting the mustard, don’t worry, it’s only 14 days until Christmas, but who’s counting … ????.