Personalising the Customer Experience

Personalisation of content in today’s digital world is a no brainer, but how organisations define it is the major variant, especially when it comes to the customer experience.

The trend is more than simply inserting a customer’s name or otherwise customising the copy to include “you or your” throughout the piece of communication. It’s about taking all that you know about that customer and tailoring the message (or offer) to highlight a benefit that’s truly making them feel special, important and cared for.

Take Netflix for example, an absolute leader in personalisation who clearly know how to track patterns and tailor the user experience to previous behaviours. Once you hear the popular Netflix tone, you’re immediately inundated with movies or documentaries that are tailored to you which have been generated through consumption patterns, likes and dislikes.

So how do you know what’s correct when it comes to personalisation? Well, it’s about understanding your audience group – knowing what they are already interested in and then challenging what is being seen by that established group to ensure the whole personalisation spectrum is covered.

There are a few tricks that can be used which can have the potential to lift your Marketing ROI and ultimately avoid any confusion with your customer:

Create personas

  • Get to know your audience and understand their needs
    • Who are they?
    • What content are they currently receiving?
    • What actions do they take?
  • Once you know your audience, start thinking and speaking like them to really start to relate.

Build your content strategy around personalisation

  • Think about the content, your business goals and the user experience
  • It must be relevant and must create a relevant experience for your audience
  • Understand the buyer’s journey and know when to communicate and when to hold back.

Involve both machines and humans

  • Use the available technology to make sure the right message goes to the right people at scale
  • A/B testing can often tell you which message / image / creative is stronger
  • Analyse the clicks and understand the data
  • Take the findings, both positive and negative, and continually look to update or improve your personas.

In summary, as much as we know that personalisation really works, it’s really important that you get it right in order to create a positive customer experience all round. Take small steps, build and continually question and improve on what’s currently being done.

Source: b2bmarketing